2021 resolutions you can keep


In Consumer Advice

Goodbye 2020 (isn’t that a relief?) and hello 2021! While many of us are eyeing the New Year with a hint of trepidation, and who could blame us, as always it brings hope for new beginnings. While we can’t promise you an easy time through what comes next, our latest blog is filled with hints and tips to keep your plumbing and heating systems safe, warm and efficient for the year ahead. How many of our resolutions will you keep or break this year?

I resolve to find my stop-valve (stopcock)

If you only do one thing this year, make sure it’s this! Find out where your stop-valve is located on the incoming water supply main and label it. If you have a plumbing emergency, it’s likely you’ll need to know how to turn your water supply off. Check occasionally that it is working and find the location of any drain valves on the system too.

I resolve to insulate my pipes

Winter weather can change in an instant. Ensure that any storage systems and exposed pipes are properly insulated, particularly in the roof space or attic. Proper insulation will help to prevent frozen and burst pipes too.

I resolve to inspect my cold-water storage cistern

Inspect your cold-water storage cistern (tank) regularly and, if it is metal, make sure it is not corroding. Call in your Registered Plumbing Professional if there is any sign of a problem.

I resolve to have my boiler and heating system regularly serviced

Have your central heating system, including boilers and other heating appliances serviced annually. If you have a condensing boiler, make sure that the condensate pipework is protected against freezing.

I resolve to stop ignoring minor plumbing problems

Dripping taps or continuously running overflow pipes are a sure sign that your plumbing system requires maintenance. Don’t ignore it, or you could have a major (and expensive) problem on your hands. The CIPHE recommends plumbing systems have an annual MOT style service to ensure they are working safely, effectively and efficiently.

I resolve not to undertake major DIY plumbing projects!

Did you know the DIYer has to abide by the same laws and regulations as the professional installer? If you don’t know what you are doing, uninformed DIY could drop you in hot water with the law and your insurance company. The advice is that unless you are competent to do a job, leave it to the professionals. DIY interference with plumbing and heating systems can result in serious damage, expensive repair bills and potential health hazards. It’s just not worth taking the risk.

I resolve to save water and energy

Energy and water efficient products and measures will not only save you money, they also help the environment too. Talk to your local plumbing or heating specialist about the changes you can make in your home.

Need a plumbing or heating engineering professional in your area to help you carry out these New Year resolutions? Check out the CIPHE Find a Plumber page.

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