Pipework Expansion - Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide

Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide

Pipework expansion

Pipework expansion chapter from the CIPHE's Plumbing Engineering Services Design Guide.

All pipework will expand and contract longitudinally and around the circumference when subjected to temperature variations.

The temperature variations can occur as a result of fluids within the pipework being heated or cooled, or from the effects of external heat sources, such as the surrounding air temperatures, solar heat, etc.

The temperature variations can range from gradual, such as the increase and decrease in room air temperatures, to almost instantaneous, such as when hot water is discharged from a sanitary fitting, or when heated water is suddenly circulated through the pipework.

Generally the change in diameter of pipework used for Building Services Engineering will not require detailed consideration, other than to ensure that adequate clearances are maintained between pipes, pipe supports, joists, building structures, etc, to allow free movement of the pipework.

Content includes:

  • Considerations for design and installation
  • Calculation of expansion and contraction
  • Controlled pipework movement.

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