CIPHE Surrey Branch - CPD Technical Evening

CPD Surrey

Event at a glance

  • Date/time: 17/05/2023 19:00 - 21:30
  • Hosted by: CIPHE
  • Location: St George’s Christian Centre, Parish Room, Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2DA
  • Topic(s): Training
  • Attendance: Register to attend for free

Join the CIPHE Surrey Branch for a CPD Technical evening on the subject of Hydrogen Fuel Gas for Heating, presented by Alex Thomas, Key Account Director at Worcester Bosch, Southern Region. 

The presentation will generally cover, but subject to changes:  

  • Hydrogen Gas Properties & Comparison to Natural Gas
  • Hydrogen Gas Generation
  • Hydrogen Gas Distribution & Piping Materials
  • Hydrogen Gas Fuel Burners
  • Future Development required before Hydrogen Gas is rolled out in the UK
  • Overview of Worcester Bosch Heating Products
  • Summary & Questions

This event is open to everyone.